I Have to Be Perfect: (And Other Parsonage Heresies)

I Have to Be Perfect: (And Other Parsonage Heresies)

Matematika Hasil dari integral (10x⁹-5x⁴ + 6x²) dx adalah...
a. x³(x7 - x² + 2) + C
b. x³(x²-x²-2) + c
c. x³(x7 - x² + 3) + c
d. x³(x9 - x² - 3) + c
e. x³(x9 - x6 + 6) + C​

Hasil dari integral (10x⁹-5x⁴ + 6x²) dx adalah...
a. x³(x7 - x² + 2) + C
b. x³(x²-x²-2) + c
c. x³(x7 - x² + 3) + c
d. x³(x9 - x² - 3) + c
e. x³(x9 - x6 + 6) + C​


a. x³ (x⁷ - x² + 2) + C

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

integral (10x⁹ -  5x⁴ + 6x²) dx

= (10/ (9+1))x⁹⁺¹ - (5/(4+1))x⁴⁺¹ + (6/(2+1)) x²⁺¹ + C

= (10/10)x¹⁰ - (5/5)x⁵ + (6/3)x³ + C

= x¹⁰ - x⁵ + 2x³ + C

= x³ (x⁷ - x² + 2) + C
